Nail Technician
The Educational Objective of the Nail Technician Program is designed to encompass and provide the instruction, training, and preparation necessary to pursue a rewarding and profitable career in Nail Technology. The course content and format are flexible to instrument adaptation of material to meet individual aptitudes and levels of attainment. The students are offered study and clinical practice to develop the knowledge and skills required to become a competent and confident professional Nail Technician.
Course Description
The Program is designed to provide a balance of instruction to the student interested in career preparation and development. Instruction in the skills required to render professional services and to pass the State Board Exam. The program will offer the student a thorough understanding of the skin as well as related services. To develop the students personality and practice human relations with clients and to practice self control and build professional ethics and standards and to develop an awareness of ever changing trends and advancing technology and the ability to adjust and grow. It will provide students with practical performance, demonstrations, and practice in conjunction with the required text. It will also provide the student with the knowledge and skill to become competent and confident professional Esthetician.
Opportunities for Employment
Manicurist, Natural Nail Specialist, Nail Extension Specialist, Platform Artist, Manufacturer’s Representative, Product Demonstrator.
Teaching Methods Include
Interactive Lecture, Demonstration followed by Student Practice or Application, Evaluation or Assessment, Group Discussion, Videos, Field Trips, Guest Speakers, Peer Coaching, Projects, Role-Playing, Games, Competitions, and Timed Drills.
Each student receives a set of books, Pennsylvania State Laws, and course handouts. Instructors record the grade the students earn in each exercise, lesson drill, and subject exam. Students also take comprehensive exams at various intervals during their training. In addition to their workbook exercises, students are graded on other factors such as attendance, appearance, and attitude. Instructors periodically discuss the student’s progress with them.